Thursday, April 17, 2014

A follow-up

Thank you so much for your lengthy comments on my last post ("Who is the 'modern' quilter?"). I've read them all but I haven't responded to any emails yet, due to feeling feverish and out-of-sorts for the last 24 hours or so. If you haven't read what people have said, take a look. It's clear that the topics of quilter categorization and what "modern" means resonate deeply in the quilting community. I guess we can hope that one day they just won't matter in a negative way.

CoExist Stars 2

^An awesome graphic from Hunter's Design Studio (posted with permission)! It says it all! For further reading on the topic you should definitely see Sam's awesome post, titled "All Inclusive."

I do agree with those who have said that they feel people should categorize their quilts for quilt shows. As the president of a guild, I also think it's necessary to explore the tenets of modern quilting and to challenge my fellow members to try them out. If you are in my guild, please show us your quilts, no matter what!

Finally, many of you, including myself, find "traditional" quilts beautiful and derive much inspiration from them (P.S. have you seen the Quilt Alliance contest? The theme is "Inspired By..."). Overall, I'll say it just one more time: go make stuff!

I don't really feel like moving right now but I'm hoping to be better tomorrow. After a short in-service at my school, I have the rest of the day off - which means sewing time!


  1. So sorry to hear that you're sick! I hope you feel better soon! I do love "it's all quilting to me banner", I made things based on some obscure desire, and don't care if the technique or outcome is traditional, modern, or somewhere in between--what I make is ME.

  2. Feel better hon! hopefully you can rest up over the weekend especially after your super long day today!


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