Our goal is to practice free motion throughout the year and come out on the other side with a small sampler quilt. At guild meetings, we're bringing our quilt sandwiches in to share, and you can share from afar (outside the guild) on Instagram with the hashtags #modernfmqqal and #cjmqg. Find out all the details on this page over on my guild's website. All fun, all FMQ, all year!
I really enjoyed quilting stars for March's theme. Every month I've been teaming up 2-3 designs to create a unique look for my quilt sandwich. Eventually, when I cut them up, the quilt will be even more varied (this is just one option for the quilt along).
Recently, I used the Icicle Lights motif by Leah Day on my word quilt, and it's a definite favorite (see top half of the above blue quilt sandwich). The options are endless (for example, I decided to keep the stars simple, like x's - less stitching involved - and I varied the lengths of the chains). I also enjoyed randomly creating starbursts with Christina Cameli's Allover Starburst tutorial. This is a new one for my quilting arsenal - I love the variation and wackiness. Very modern indeed.
The backing for this month's quilt sandwich is one of my all-time favorite Anna Maria Horner prints, which sadly I only have a small piece left of now. It reminds me of spring - which is coming! yay! - and I thought it looked magical quilted up with Aurifil 2600 (dove gray). The thread is light enough to imprint a pretty texture.
Are you quilting stars with us? I'll be revealing the next theme shortly, after our guild's March 14 meeting! Stay tuned to the Google Doc!