Friday, June 28, 2013

Summery Fabric Wrapped Wreath - Makin'

Just a quick post today! I'm heading across the state to see a girlfriend (I make it sound like NJ is super wide, which it is not, lol), and I'm battling right now between going to the gym and finishing a quilt top... What do YOU think is going to win out? I honestly have no clue right now, lol.

I made this summer wreath for another coworker the night before the last day of school this week. I wanted to give her something special since she was my very helpful and supportive in-class support teacher! You can see the other wreath I made for spring right here. I used the same process as before and it literally takes 45 minutes to do (or less, if you're okay with the glue gun burns)! The hardest part was choosing the fabrics I wanted ;)

 I was going for sun to beach to ocean-y. I'm now obsessed and need to make one for myself (to replace the spring one that's still hanging on my door - come on, Jess!). Hopefully next week. I bought the hard wreath forms this time (flat, stronger than cardboard - as opposed to green styrofoam, which I cut into two) and I'm not sure how much I like them - they are smaller. Only time will tell.

I'll be back Saturday or Sunday with my finished Good Fortune quilt top to link up to the Kate Spain blog hop! :D

1 comment:

  1. In class support teacher is a teacher assistant? Curious as to what that is lol

    Very pretty wreath! You know you are going to make one for yourself now too. That is the natural process Jess!!


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