Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I'm back! There's a lot to do this week but things have been winding down after the wedding on Sunday. Ready for some pictures? I am :D These have all been popping up on Facebook, from my family and friends -I actually only took a few. Here are my favorites so far from the pre-wedding.

All the bridesmaid dresses with my dress

Bachelorette party at the casino

Siblings! At the rehearsal dinner.

 All of my bridesmaids and myself

 Getting our nails done Saturday morning (better picture of shirts coming soon)

 Surprise Lord of the Rings rehearsal dinner cake = AMAZED

Mike and I :)

 Mom and I are pretty much twins...

Something blue on my purple shoes!

I'll be back with a ceremony post, reception post, some DIY posts, and when we get them, professional pictures!

All wedding posts:



  1. How exciting! My favorite is where you're all having your pedicures. Can't wait to see more photos :)

  2. Congratulations -- it's fun sharing these important occasions with you.

  3. Congratulations! Great pictures.


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