Thursday, March 19, 2015

Central Jersey MQG Modern Quilt Exhibit

Our guild was recently invited to showcase a second exhibit of modern quilts at the Quilt Fest of NJ XI. It was a thrill to see our quilts and get inspired by other quilts (most were traditional and there were several more modern quilts than last year). I posted a recap and pictures of all our modern quilts over on the CJMQG blog. Here are some outtakes:

I really love this pic of me with Scatter. :) She's like my baby... as in, she totally represents my style as a quilter. And I'll never let her go.

 Selfie with mom in front of Pixie Sticks

One more selfie :)

Seriously, you have to see these up close!! Great job, guild!


  1. Haha is there a #quiltselfie hashtag? There should be. Fun seeing these quilts again, and with you in front of them for scale!

  2. I'm with Renee, time to start a new hashtag if it doesn't already exist! How cool to get to see your work hanging on display. :)

  3. Congrats on being in the show with a special exhibit from your guild. I went to the show and it was definitely a great contribution to all the quilts hanging there. (Love your Anna Maria Horner fabrics!)


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