I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas with family and friends. Now we can all blog about our Christmas gifts! This is going to be a lengthy and picture-y post, but I hope you enjoy looking!
My favorite present that I gave - a "Dark Lord" cape made for my geeky but extremely lovable fiance (this is me modeling):
Translation: "For the Dark Lord in my life. Love always, the Dark Lady. P.S. No, you cannot wear this in our wedding, heart, 12/10"
On Christmas :) No pictures of him modeling yet, though. I'll get on that.
I'm very proud of the cape. The hood took a couple hours to figure out, but that's just because I have trouble reading directions apparently! I used a combination of two wonderful tutorials, though: here at Puking Pastilles and here at about.com.
And two table toppers - one for Mike's aunt and uncle's family, and his mother. I'm also proud of these because my quilting is getting a LOT better! And I made use of the Dresden ruler again :)
Yay for my straight line quilting! I work so hard:
I didn't have time to make more because of when I got home for winter break, so Mike and I ended up buying more than I thought we would. But that's okay. :)
Santa was very generous and brought me lots of sewing supplies and things I asked for! As a new quilter, some of this was direly needed (is that a word?). Now, I need to go out this week and buy a 24x36 (or bigger) rotary mat, some rotary replacements, and some more batting... but the things Santa brought me made me really, really happy!
A mini ironing board and iron, so I don't have to keep running upstairs to iron! (this gift was a complete surprise)
Innocent Crush layer cake! Can't wait to start using this.
A Singer set of sewing essentials, including lots of bobbins, needles, and LOTS of thread, all in different colors, of course!!
^(the coolest little pincushion ever)^
A Brother quilting foot so I can free motion quilt - I started practicing today, and I love it. I can't wait to be able to do it without thinking so hard!
My Tinkerbell ornament (see my Christmas post for more info :) )
My sister bought me this adorable sign:
Of course, the presents are not what Christmas is about, but I can't lie and say that I didn't enjoy receiving presents :)
Dawn of Dawn's Quilt Corner is giving away SEVEN YARDS of Robert Kaufman's Dr. Seuss fabric for the New Year! SEVEN! This is one of the most generous fabric giveaways I've seen in a while. You can enter here.
Speaking of giveaways, I found out I won not one but three of the Sew, Mama, Sew giveaways. I was absolutely floored! (Sorry but I had to have my moment to brag! Moment done). Well, I received one of my prizes in the mail already - a keychain from Hana Kim - I picked the apple because I'm going to be a teacher so soon! I LOVE it and I can't tell you how perfect it looks with my other keys. Thank you so much, Hana! It's absolutely adorable!
Well, that's all for today! We're also getting snow here in NJ, but it's only about 2 inches right now. We're supposed to get more early tomorrow morning. I guess it's another day of quilting for me - going to put together that baby quilt. Have a great Monday!
Nice "I Love to Quilt" sign! I wonder who got it for you... :P