Monday, July 29, 2013

Lantern-a-long Block 4: The Tinkerbell Lantern

Welcome to Week 4 of the Lantern-a-long (also known as the LAL)! If you're just joining us, there's still time to make a quilt top! Feel free to join the Flickr group and post pictures of your lanterns as you finish them. We've had some beautiful blocks so far! There will be five lantern tutorials throughout July and August. See this post for more info on the quilt top sizes and fabric requirements, schedule (also below), sponsors, and this post for prizes. Again - it's not too late to join!

Thanks again to the wonderful and generous sponsors of this QAL - 1 Choice 4 Quilting, I Don't Do Dishes, and Christa Quilts!

 My newly revamped logo :)

 LAL Schedule:
Tues. July 2 - Mon. July 8 - Gather supplies
YOU ARE HERE --> Mon. July 29 - Lantern Block 4 - The Tinkerbell Lantern
Mon. August 5 - Lantern Block 5, finish up quilt tops
Mon. August 12 - Linky goes up for finished quilt tops/quilts (open for one week)
Mon. August 19 - Winners chosen at random from the linky pool!

Block 4: The Tinkerbell Lantern
AKA - the tiny but powerful/will-change-the-face-of-your-quilt block
When I designed the quilt, I really wanted a lot of nice, long lanterns, because they are just too pretty. And then, I thought, why not design a smaller one to counteract the big ones? Hence, the Tinkerbell Lantern. Enjoy!

Finished size: 10.5" x 13.25"

See how it interacts with the other blocks?

 Remember - all the blocks for the LAL are made of 2.5" strips, but they all measure a different size when finished. When you put your quilt top together, you will have to add in some extra 2.5" strips or blocks of solid fabric. Also, you don't HAVE to trim your blocks to the size I did above - that's the size mine ended up.

1. Choose your print fabrics for the lantern. You only need 5 this week. I made sure to stagger mine based on how much would be seen. Don't forget to check your scraps to see if they fit :)

 2. Cut the following:

3. CUT each strip of background fabric in HALF (Row 1's will turn into 4.75"each, and Row 2's will turn into 2.5" each).

4. Sew each of the 5 rows together
(background + lantern + background).

5. Press your seams to the side, out towards the background fabric. It's up to you, really (feel free to press them open if that's your preference), but I've mentioned that I like the visual effect of the lantern inset in the background.

 6. Sew the rows to each other.

7. Trim to 10.5" x 13.25" (if you want). You're done! Congrats, now you have your fourth block - can you believe there's only ONE more? (I can't!) If you're making a larger lap size, make sure you are sewing AT LEAST 2 or 3 of these.  If you're making a baby quilt, you only need 1 or 2, and you'll add some background fabric to fit around it!

Here are some other versions I made with different color combinations. Keep experimenting with color and challenge yourself! Sorry for the wonkiness of that last pic - my quilt top wasn't cooperating :)

I'll also be posting some layout ideas later this week! I also have my finished mini quilt to share tomorrow at long last :D

Don't forget to share in the Flickr group! I can't wait to see your lanterns!



  1. Love the Tinkerbell block! Can't wait to make a few of these this week!

  2. This one is my favorite. It shows off the fabric so well.

  3. Looking forward to seeing your blocks, ladies :)


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