Tuesday, June 19, 2012

It's starting to look like I'm opening a fabric shop...

Check out what's been entering my house the past month. Most of this was for specific projects, and no, I am not wealthy at all, I shopped a lot of sales! I can't even call myself a poor college student anymore... but I can say poor college grad, lol.

Winnings from the Blogger's Quilt Festival!! Thanks Fabricworm!

Purples and poppies, oh my... and this included some fabric (the second one in) from Kingdom, a collection from my friend and the President of the Central Jersey Modern Quilt Guild, Jessica Levitt (it was kind of strange for me, buying her fabric!).

Pearl Bracelets by Lizzy House<3 (from Fresh Modern Fabrics). I could not resist. I finally caved. This is not specifically for a project and, to quote Joey Tribiani (at 23 seconds):

Ta Dot in all kinds of awesome colors! I already have fabric lanyards in the bottom two fabrics in my shop.

Cocoon from the Intrepid Thread (one of my favorite places to shop!)

Aaand I just realized... that's not even everything. Got some red fillers (including chevrons), and Little Apples yardage to finish that quilt... and some random yardage... oh goodness, this is actually pretty embarrassing. I'm embarrassed.

So... I will have more posts soon with these fabrics and more in action! I seriously am working on about 10 projects at once right now, so I'll probably finish them all around the same time too, funnily enough. I like to work on what I'm inspired to work on for the day. :)


  1. Looks like you have been enjoying yourself! Excited to see some of your projects soon:)

  2. I too like to work on a variety of projects. You have collected some lovely fabrics there.


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