Monday, July 11, 2011

Want 3 MORE chances to win a GO! Baby and 3 dies?

I found three more! Two of them just popped up over the weekend.

Here at Ellison Lane Quilts (a great blog that I love to read)
Spotted Stone (fantastic inspiration - just look at that lovely banner! I also love to read this one)
and Threadgatherer (a new blog I just discovered).

Go check it out! Enjoy!
I've been very, very busy this week but I can't show anything yet! Soon :)


  1. Thanks for sharing, Jess! Gonna go enter for a chance to win now!

  2. Thanks for the links, Jess.

    I won one!! Yay!! I'm so excited.

  3. .........Baby and 3 dies?? lol?


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