Sunday, November 8, 2015

Update - The Wonky Press Newsletter

As I begin to type Issue 4, I want to thank everyone for all of their support of my brand spankin' new newsletter, The Wonky Press. The first issue went out on October 1, and there have been three so far (it always comes out on the 1st and 15th of the month). I've had some amazing feedback so far and I love how our community is getting involved! I strive to make each issue original and full of content I've never published (and never will publish) here on the blog. Plus, I create a visual theme each time. It's really stretching my writing and designing skills!

  • If you have a suggestion for a topic in the "What's Up in Modern Quilting" section or any suggestions at all, I'd love to hear them. I want to make this newsletter relevant to you! Email me at quiltyhabit (at) gmail (dot) com. Topics so far have been Improvisation and Swap Culture.

  • Don't forget to send in your submissions for The Sewing Circle from Issue 3!

  • Here's a sneak peek at Issue 4: an interview with a modern quilter I love, a list of favorite sewing bloggers, and a bit about blogging in the sewing world today! 

 Here's some quilting I've been doing this weekend. Because blog posts need pictures!

I love writing and designing this newsletter, and I hope to continue for a long while! Fun fact: I took a desktop publishing class in high school and seriously considered it as a career for a while (but my love of teaching won out). 

Thanks again to everyone for their encouragement and participation!

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  1. Love the idea of mini quilt to practice my quilt stitches and think I will make mine so I can practice quilt as you go technicues as well. Thank you for patchwork idea

  2. Love your Wonky Press Jess, you are so talented and I am so blessed to know you!
    Great pics.


Let's start a conversation! I love comments and I'd be happy to reply to all who have an email address accessible. Thanks for commenting!


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