Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WIP Wednesday

This week has been interesting so far, to say the least! We had a snow day on Monday (but luckily all the roads were great the next day). We had a delayed opening Tuesday. Today it looks like it will be another snow day. This is definitely the worst winter we've had in NJ in the last few years, and I'm so looking forward to spring! Though I have to admit, having extra time to sew and get organized during the week is totally awesome...

 I'm working on a Valentine mini quilt - more soon on this! I followed a tutorial for a fun improv modern heart quilt at Moda Bake Shop by Erica Jackman @ Kitchen Table Quilting. The pictures and instructions were spot on and very helpful (visual person here); the curves took a little bit of work but it wasn't too bad. I'll talk more about this mini when it's all done :) Just the binding and label to go.


I spread out allll the fabrics in consideration for the Sisterhood of the Traveling Quilts! I have to start the quilt and pass it on to Ashley in a couple of weeks. I'm super excited to work with black and jewel tones (an unusual combination for me, though the saturation isn't really a surprise).

My machine (Elsa) is almost 1 year old (!!) which means she needs to go in for a tune up. After FMQing this week I've heard lots of clunking and a mostly frozen handwheel (it sounds like the motor is struggling), so after the snow I'll need to take her to the shop. This is unfortunate because I have a lot of sewing that needs to be done! Luckily, I have some bindings to make, quilts to design, blog posts to write, CJMQG meetings to plan, people to email, and (maybe?) stash to destash. I also hope to read Paper Towns by John Green (I'm going through all his and Rainbow Rowell's books right now) and clean up the apartment a little. Maybe it won't be so bad... or maybe I'll be tearing out my hair after a few days of being machine-less. It's like a family member is sick!


  1. Hi Jess! Your heart quilt is beautiful and unique! I like the curves! x teje

  2. What whimsical quilting on your heart quilt - I love it! Has a great feel.

  3. Your heat quilt looks so cute! If I had time this month I'd totally make one too. Did you call the dealer? They should be able to give you an estimate on how long it will be there. I'm sure you can keep busy enough with all those other things!

  4. The heart is so pretty - I really like the mix of colours you went with.

  5. Love the improv heart mini quilt. I'll have to try out this tutorial too! Thanks for the inspiration. Best, Kate

  6. I always love to see what you are inventing!

  7. Such a beautiful heart block! :) Lovely!

  8. Your quilting on that heart looks lovely!

  9. That heart is fabulous... but the quilting is beyond fab. Great job.

  10. You need a backup machine! There are often free machines on craigslist, although they usually come with/in a sewing table, which takes up a lot of space if it's only for backup. I've also occasionally seen tabletop machines there for free.

    Certainly with some time and patience, you can find a tabletop machine fairly cheaply on Craigslist or at a garage sale or church sale. Another option is to let people know you're on the lookout for a backup machine, and let them know your parameters (cheap or free, w/o a table, certain brand/age, whatever). Keep at it, so next time you have to give up your machine for a little bit, you'll at least have something to sew on. One time, I got a Singer Featherweight at my parents' church rummage sale for $5. I haven't used it yet, but just knowing I have it for backup (or if I wanted to travel light with a machine) is lovely.

    I'm not positive what are you're in, but do a quick Craigslist check on your local Craigslist, searching on sewing machine. If you find a backup machine, be sure to tell us; I'm sure most of the people who read your blog would be interested. :)

  11. I meant to say, "what AREA you're in."

  12. That's a great idea mpv61 had about a back up machine. I have a lightweight Brother that I use for traveling and classes. I bought it new tho.

  13. Ahh I was wondering how you were posting Monday morning ; ) We had a snow day here Wed, but now that I don't teach anymore and it just means wiggly kids stuck home, it's much less exciting and productive than a snow day is for you. Sounds like you have a LOT to keep busy while Elsa gets serviced. I hope you have her back faster than I did with mine when I sent it in. Now I see why people have a back up machine!

  14. I love your mini!! Everything about it is gorgeous, the colours, the piecing and the quilting! I'd love to feature you in this weeks I Quilt linky party. Can you please let me know if I can use one or two of your images? Thanks and thank you for linking up :) prettybobbins AT gmail DOT com :)

  15. looove your improv mini!! Super cute!

  16. Hi Jess, I am on a marathon to read through all your posts from this point forward in order to catch up with all your news that I have missed since selling and moving house. Please forgive me if I don't stop to write a lot of comments -- I have a lot of posts to read, and I will read every one, see you at the other end! ;-)


Let's start a conversation! I love comments and I'd be happy to reply to all who have an email address accessible. Thanks for commenting!


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