Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Sewing Goodies

Christmas was wonderful, and we are very lucky to have beautiful, giving families. So... much... food and lots of fun, including my family's annual viewing of The Muppet Christmas Carol (best Christmas movie ever!) :) Mike and I made french toast and hung out all morning, and when we got back from house-hopping, we chilled out and watched another episode of Doctor Who (the famous episode "Blink," for any fans out there).

I was so lucky to get pretty much everything I had hinted about, including:

Pearl Bracelets by Lizzy House from the husband! Plus, two 1-yard cuts of the purple pearl bracelets to add to my crazy purple obsession =)

And... two books I am literally (okay, maybe not literally) (figuratively?) jumping off the walls about:

I have so many projects right now but I'm dying to make that cover quilt on Modern Patchwork...
How was your Christmas? Did you receive any sewing goodies?


  1. lucky you Jess! I got no sewing stuff. though I finally out together the arrow sewing cabinet I won this past summer. Oh and I got an iPad!!! Something you may be jealous about is my Dalek and Tardis salt n pepper shakers my dady got me! Too cool!

  2. Haven't had Christmas yet but I doubt I'll get sewing goodies!

    You have been blessed!

  3. My stocking was stuffed full of sewing goodness. I will have to post about them I'm soaking in my boys while they are all home.


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