Monday, December 17, 2012

Birthday Fabric and a Winner

When I went to the December meeting of the Central Jersey MQG, I picked up some fabric that I've been eyeing for a while with my birthday coupon... Simply Color in purple and gray.

Those Orla Kiely-like fabrics make me weak in the knees. Haha... but seriously, I can't wait to cut into them!

Next, our guild is participating in the Modern Quilt Guild's Madrona Road Challenge, so we received fat 1/8th bundles. How pretty are these fabrics? The inspiration for my project hasn't hit yet - but I'm in the midst of the Christmas rush, so hopefully next week, when I have some time off, I'll be inspired. I like to let ideas come to me, and they always do... eventually.

Also, for next month's meeting, we are making handmade gifts for another guild member. I received my partner's likes and dislikes, and luckily I have a lot of freedom! I'll be starting that soon, too. Busy, busy!

Thanks so much to everyone who entered the Quilting Gallery giveaway, and to all those of you who are new, you made my week! It was fun to read about everyone's birthday happenings. Although a fair amount of people don't remember what they did on their birthdays, most people went out to dinner, and luckily, there was much cake involved :)

And the winner is...

Congrats, Alison! I've emailed you, and I'll get your Make Life charms out to you this week!


  1. Get that rotary cutter ready for some purple goodness!!

  2. Nothing like fabric for a birthday treat:)


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