Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Week 5: Wholecloth Quilt Challenge

 The "Today I Feel" Quilt is my ongoing large wholecloth quilt project. I'm writing one post every week about the past week's phrases, which answer the prompt, "Today, I feel...." You can read more about the project on Week 1's post and my daily expansions on each phrase on Instagram under the hashtag #todayifeelquilt. The threads are generously sponsored by Aurifil Threads.

Week 5 is the second to last week of this quilt! I only have enough space to write 7 more phrases or so. December has been a very event-heavy month (you can read more about that on my Instagram), and I'm looking forward to a little relaxation as the holidays approach.

I thought I'd use one of my last posts to talk about the logistics of the project, so here goes!

I started writing at the bottom right corner. Why? I didn't really think about it. It was a comfortable place (if you've quilted on a domestic machine before, you'll recognize it as the place where you'll have the least amount of bulk). As I quilted that first week's phrases, I started to think about how I'd proceed from week to week. Ultimately, it made sense to quilt in a circle (see above) and end right where I started. So I filled up the right side of the quilt from the bottom up.

What did that mean for basting? Well, I'm constantly checking and rechecking the backing. I spray basted and then added tons of safety pins. As I'm nearing the starting point, I'm worried that it will puff up a little (when you free motion quilt you're *supposed* to quilt FROM the middle, not TOWARDS other quilting - so you can avoid this).

If it does puff up... I'll just quilt in the tucks and deal with it. It's my quilt, it's raw and emotional, and the quilt will reflect that. And if it doesn't puff up, I'll send a thanks up to the quilting gods!

Jane asked if I could give some tips on burying threads. I'll be back with that soon. Otherwise, send a blessing up to the quilting gods for me as I finish up this last week!


  1. Oh good luck! I hope the quilting gods are listening!!! :)

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing the finish. Good luck.

  3. I think you have done a great job on your quilt. I wish I could have joined you on that journey but I was in the middle of a big house move. Maybe next time. You have been inspirational. I even like the fabric you chose.

  4. Oh man I can't believe you're so close to finishing this already! I feel like a dormant slug with mine. I'm sorry I wasn't able to work on mine at the same time as you!

  5. Every time I see this marvelous quilt, I have to comment. It is the coolest ever!! So very, very special!!

  6. What a great place to capture the feelings that you are processing. A visible reminder of one block of time in your life. I've sent up a flag to the quilt gods. Can't wait to see more.

  7. I just love this cool quilt. After the holidays (early 2017) I plan to begin my first wholecloth quilt. 'Wish it would look as great as yours. Happy holiday wishes to yu and your family.

  8. I love the idea and execution of this design! I really like how you are adding all sorts of fillers between the words to give the quilt such texture.


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