Monday, December 8, 2014

FQ Bundle Giveaway from The Intrepid Thread!

*This giveaway is now closed. Brenda is the winner and she has been emailed!*
Today, I'm celebrating many things! I've started booking speaking and teaching engagements for 2015, and I recently gained 1000+ Instagram followers. Plus, it's Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day and my 25th birthday is next week (I've got a post started already about that). So, woohoo for happy things!

I'm teaming up with The Intrepid Thread to offer one winner a 12-fat quarter bundle of these wintery fabrics, curated by yours truly. Thank you so much to Julie for offering this amazing prize! I've been happily shopping at The Intrepid Thread for years. I'm always impressed with their customer service and selection, in case you want to stop by and thank them yourself!

The Intrepid Thread

I based the colors of the bundle off of this gorgeous print from Anna Maria Horner's new Honor Roll (love the purple!). I balanced the brights out with blacks, grays, and two similar-but-different-enough-to-look-cool-together low volume prints. Finally, I added in the Pearl Bracelets as an extra "pop." Now, the exciting part: for every month of 2015, I'll be sharing a month-inspired bundle from my fabric stash and how I put it together (I might make it a linky party every month, with prizes, if you're interested... so let me know!). Curating fabric bundles is so fun, right?

Here's all the fabrics in the bundle - some of these are favorites of mine that just happen to go together! I seriously think a quilt with these fabrics would be so pretty! I might just have to make one myself...

Cuboid in Cobalto (Geometric Bliss) 
Atomic Influx in Perse (Utopia)
Pearl Bracelet in Red

So, if you'd like to be in the running to win these amazing fabrics:
  • Please leave a comment answering the following: What sewing-related things are you looking forward to in 2015? (It could be a guild event, quilt finish, retreat, BOM, fabric line... anything - you only need one to enter!) I have a list, besides what I already mentioned: QuiltCon/meeting my IG friends IRL/meeting Anna Maria Horner and taking her class, finishing my medallion quilt, and guild swaps! Oh, and AMH's new fabric line, of course.

  • My followers get an extra entry (Instagram, Bloglovin, Feedly, email, etc. - just leave a second comment about how you follow).
The giveaway will end on Friday, December 12 at 8 PM EST. It is open to anyone in the whole wide quilty world. I'll choose a winner using the Random Number Generator and I will email them. Please understand I will not be able to respond to all comments during giveaway week. Thanks and have so much fun browsing/entering giveaways! And thank you, as always, for all of your support!


  1. The thing I'm looking forward to the most in 2015 are the two quilting weekends I go on each year with a group of lovely ladies, staying right on the beach. Bliss!

  2. I am excited about my first quilt retreat. Can't wait.

  3. I follow on instagram. @thedukesau

  4. Oh Jess that bundle is gorgeous!!! I'm looking forward to doing more work on my green tea and sweet beans quilt and hopefully hand quilting my daughter's butterfly quilt too :)

  5. I go to Paducah every year. This year I am going to try to get into Judi Madsen's longarm quilting class. That would be a dream come true. I follow on bloglovin.

  6. Following you with Bloglovin. Thanks!

  7. Nothing special in 2015, just finish what I started and looking forward making new quilts...:-)

  8. My special for 2015 is taking two teen age grandchildren shopping for fabric to make them each queen size bed quilts. Looking forward to the thrill for them.

  9. happily and entertainingly following you on bloglovin

  10. I hope to finally make a quilt for our bed. The fabric and pattern have been in my stash for years... Thanks!

  11. I follow you with bloglovin. Thanks!

  12. I have a Summer in the Park quilt in progress that I am looking forward to finishing. All my holiday projects have gotten in the way!

  13. I'm looking forward to learning how to long-arm quilt in 2015. I think I may join a finish-along as well...

  14. I'm doing the Stash Bee this next year and it's a first for me so I'm really excited.

  15. Next year I am going to start my project to make a quilt for each of my kids. I have six sons and it will be a challenge for me to do a manly quilt for each of them.

  16. Yes to QuiltCon!!! Woop woop! Hopefully the fact that I'm not nearly so effusive in real life and am terribly sarcastic and won't scare anyone off. Here's my current list for 2015: Finish Museum Medallion, TARDIS quilt, mini for a swap, selvage skirt, portrait quilt for a show, another mini for a swap and a baby quilt. And maybe make that blue and teal quilt for my bed FINALLY. Man commissions take a up a lot of my time, ha.

  17. I follow you like a hungry puppy begging for scraps. I'm not begging for scraps though, and not nearly as cute as a puppy.

  18. I am excited to make a baby quilt for my nephew due in March!

  19. I'm looking forward to learning some new techniques in 2015!

  20. In 2015 I am looking forward to making my first quilt that is bigger than a baby quilt. I fear that in 2016 I may be looking forward to finishing the same quilt, but we'll see how it goes.

  21. In 2015 I will be making my nephew's highschool graduation quilt. Looking forward to it!

  22. I'm going with a good friend to Houston in November 2015!! So excited to attend my first big quilt show :-)

  23. I follow you on Instagram as @louisehornor

  24. I'm looking forward to finishing an enormous quilt for my mom!

  25. In 2015 I will finish my first actual quilt (have many finished quilted items now but no quilts!) exciting!

  26. I am looking forward to QuiltCon

  27. This may sound selfish, but I'm looking forward to sewing for myself. Rather volunteering a quilt for every baby that comes into my social circle, I'm going to focus on building my skills and forcing myself to stretch.

  28. And I follow you on bloglovin.

  29. I follow you on Bloglovin. Winning this bundle would be a wonderful birthday present. I will be attending our guild Christmas Party next Sunday and my birthday is Dec 13th.

  30. I'm looking forward to Mid-Atlantic Mod!
    drlbennett at gmail dot com

  31. I follow you on IG
    And IRL :-)

  32. I have 2 retreats in 2015 I can't wait for. They are only a week apart which is kind of a bummer. It would be more fun to have them spread out more. One is Sewtopia in Chicago and the other is the Mid Atlantic Mod retreat in Lancaster PA where I will get to meet you - and I'm signed up for your class.

  33. I follow you on bloglovin and instragram.

  34. Looking forward to taking more classes at my local quilt shop and learning how to machine quilt!

  35. I am looking at finishing a bunch of quilts tops that I have into real honest to goodness quilts.

  36. I'm looking forward to Quiltcon!! And taking a few classes!

  37. eight of my quilty friends and I are planning a 4 day quilt retreat - most of us have only met on line, so I am SO excited for this event! Thanks for the giveaway!

    caribousmom (at) aol (dot) com

  38. I just started following you on Feedly!

    caribousmom (at) aol (dot) com

  39. I'm looking forward to watching a craftsy class I got for my birthday last week AND sewing some of the items in it!

  40. I am looking forward to putting together my first flannel quilt. I anticipate its warmth on my knee as winter lingers in 2015

  41. I'm looking forward to making more quilts! Can't wait to get started!

  42. I am looking forward to my fist year with a local MQG. I will finally get to socialize with other people who are in tune with my style. It will so inspirational!

  43. I'm looking forward to making my first Tshirt quilt. My friend gave me 9 train-related shirts to make a lap quilt for him.

  44. I am looking forward to our next quilt retreat in March - love getting away with my quilting friends and just sewing , and eating of course!

  45. I'm excited to start quilting again since our move!

  46. I'm looking forward to some post-holiday quiet time to work on sewing birthday outfits for my twin granddaughters!

  47. I am looking forward to finishing up some UFO's and working on a Cotton & Steel quilt. I just went to the Intrepid Thread for the first time Saturday, it is fabulous!

  48. I will finish my first quilt

  49. I follow you on bloglovin.

  50. I just started following you on Instagram too.

  51. Such beautiful fabrics!! Congratulations on all the happy happenings. In 2015 I'm looking forward to finding time to finish some projects just for me. Thanks for the chance to win.

  52. I follow you on Bloglovin and Instagram.

  53. I guess I should say I look forward to getting caught up in 20115, but I KNOW that's an impossiblilty! So I'll settle for looking forward to finishing a quilt for my bed. Great giveaway - thanks to you & The Intrepid Thread for the chance.

  54. looking forward to this event in 2015...a new sewing room!

  55. I'm looking forward to our local modern quilt guild chapter's first official year! :)

  56. I look forward to a crazy quilt class. Yay!

  57. I am a follower with bloglovin' now. Look forward to read and see more..

  58. I am looking forward to finishing up my insane list of UFOs, in 2015! At least making a good dent.

  59. I look forward to finish a lot of quilting UFOs.

  60. I have a new, bigger space to work in so I am looking forward to less set up and takedown and more time to sew.

  61. My mother and I, with her friend, are planning on make The Farmers Wife quilt together. I think it's going to be great fun!

  62. I'm looking forward to finishing more quilts in a new house nearer to my children!

  63. My goal for 2015 is to become "one" with my new Bernina. Of course, I love Intrepid Thread and am fortunate to visit the store in person from time to time. With all the goodies they have to offer, I will be able to make wonderful projects this coming year - just must force myself to use my NEW Bernina, rather than my ol' faithful Bernina 1230, who will of course always be my "best friend". Isn't it weird to feel the alliance with a machine - having my 1230 for over 20 years, I can't help but feel I am betraying her with the New little chickadee! ahahha

  64. Jessica, I follow you through email. Looking forward to the New Year and New projects. :)

  65. I follow you on Instagram (the_days_dewings).

  66. What lovely fabrics! I'm looking forward to trying a bigger project after a year of making little bags and totes. I think I'm almost ready to spread my wings! :)

  67. I want to finish all the quilts and projects I began since 2012.

  68. I am going to do Fandom in Stitches Harry Potter QAL. I wanted to do it the first time around and never got to it, so I am going for it.

  69. I attended my first retreat in late Nov and am very much looking forward to attending more in 2015. Thanks so much for sharing

  70. I have some quilt tops that I need to get transformed into actual quilts. I'm not proficient in FMQ so I need to push myself into getting started. Thanks for hosting this giveaway...those fabrics look great.

  71. I just signed up to receive your newsletter.

  72. I am looking forward to finishing quite a few projects in 2015 that have been hanging around here for far too long.

  73. I'm looking forward to Quiltcon. I live in Austin and can't wait for everyone to check out my city!

  74. Umm...QuiltCon :) it will be my first time attending even though I live in Austin. Can't wait! Thanks.

  75. I'm a new follower on Bloglovin.

  76. I'm looking forward to making myself a quilt. I've made myself 3 wall hangings so far, but not a quilt I can actually use.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  77. I plan to start a blog in 2015 to help me keep on track with my quilting goals.

  78. Looking forward to a little more quiet time to sew in 2015! Thanks.

  79. I am looking forward to being able to start and complete more projects next year. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  80. Hi Jess, Can't wait to see what you accomplish in 2015!

  81. I just bought all the supplies to make an awesome set of pillow covers for our living room and I am super excited about it!

  82. Finishing a Bonnie Hunter mystery! I've got two in the works... mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  83. Three of my quilting buddies and I are looking forward to going over to the Maine Quilt Shop Hop again this coming spring. We went last year but only spent one night and two days,,, which just wasn't enough time ;) So this year we are planning on staying two nights which will give us three days to find all those hidden shops. Can't wait!

  84. For 2015 I am beginning a WIP challenge to finish one big and one little project monthly and if time permits, I may begin another project... I'm hoping this will allow me to finish up some of those cool projects I have started, before they become uncool...

  85. I'm looking forward to all the new workshops offered by our quilt guild. I love learning new techniques and also meeting other sewers.

  86. I am so looking forward to attending the Road to California quilt show 2015. Luckily, I won't have to wait too long, since it takes place in January, yay!

  87. I'm looking forward to taking part in schnitzelboominiquilt swap. It will be fun swapping internationally and hopefully making "new friends"

  88. Looking forward to sewing on a new sewing machine in 2015.

  89. I follow you via email AND Instagram--keeps my days colorful!

  90. I recently moved to a new city so hope to get involved with the local guild.

  91. I'm looking forward to lots of things! I have some fun ideas planned for my blog, some new sewing patterns to sell, Anna Graham's sewing book, and I'm sure there are more...

  92. 2015: I am pumped because I might get to Quilt Con on a day pass. If not, I look forward to learning to machine quilt on my new Bernina.

  93. I am looking forward to finally finishing a quilt for my bed! Kateyates87 at gmail dot com

  94. I'm looking forward to a trip to a quilting get together in February and to a retreat in April. Yahoo!

  95. I follow on ig and bloglovin Kateyates87 at gmail dot com

  96. I'm looking forward to finishing all of the quilt tops I have sitting around!

  97. I joined a BOM and the first block shipped in Nov. But with all the holidays and shopping etc I am hoping to finally get started in Jan.

  98. I am most looking forward to seeing what quilts/fabrics the new Pantone Color of the Year 2015, Marsala brings! Last year's Radiant Orchis sure was an inspiration so I'm stoked to see what this new rich color has in store! Thanks for the opportunity to win this brilliant bundle!

  99. I just joined the Bag of the Month Club for the 2nd year. Can't wait.

  100. I follow on Bloglovin!

  101. These are beautiful! I'm so impressed because I find it nearly impossible to curate fabrics for myself :) I'm looking forward to continuing to work on my patchwork quilt once I'm finished with all of my Christmas gifts!

  102. I'm really excite to get some projects finished!!

  103. I'll be excited to be done with Christmas presents (which I love designing but always seem to take more time than I expect to actually complete...) and to finish off a star quilt I made myself a while agoa

  104. I want to finish a huge crochet blanket that has taken too long... and I also hope to sew all the clothes we need (I plan not to buy clothes, just fabric!)

  105. Looking forward to our guild's annual quilt show in May.

  106. Looking forward to finishing some of these projects that have been hanging around!!!!

  107. I'm looking forward to making progress on my to-do list (a.k.a. WIP mountain). Hopefully I can get through about 25% of it! :)

  108. Thanks for the giveaway! I just want some time to slow down and enjoy sewing. I've been too caught up in the "hurry up and finish" game lately.

  109. I follow you via Bloglovin. Thanks for the giveaway!

  110. I look forward to Quiet Play's BoM 2015 and finishing my Spinning in the Rain BoM by Sew Lux.

  111. I can't wait for Road to California. I go every year, sometimes every day they are open!

  112. I'm looking forward to starting a Fig Tree Aloha Girl quilt kit once the fabric is released end of March.

  113. I'm itching to get started on my la passacaglia quilt in 2015.

  114. I'm going to turn all the quilt tops I've made into quilts!

  115. Looking forward to a FMQ class. Want to gain confidence in this area. Thanks for hosting this give away. Mrscummings2u at Gmail dot com

  116. I'm hoping to make a quilt to show in our local quilt show. I've never shown any of my quilts before, so I'm nervous and excited about that. cdahlgren at live dot com

  117. I follow you by email. cdahlgren at live dot com

  118. I'm looking forward to the Harrogate International Knitting and Stitching Show. . . .I didn't make it this year due to a family bereavement, so the planning for next year has begun

  119. I'm really looking forward to Mid Atlantic Mod 2015 - hope to see you there! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  120. I follow on Google Friends Connect and through my Feedly!

  121. Looking forward to more swaps...started doing them this year and loving it!

  122. I'm looking forward to a seasonal pillow swap.

  123. Top two things looking forward to in 2015 are Quiltcon and MQG retreat. Love the bundle.

    (username is lindadouglas35)

  125. HELLO, I'm looking forward to improving my FM Quilting in '15! Such fun,so neat+I want to get lots better at it! Thanks for sharing! MERRY CHRISTMAS !

  126. I just joined a UFO group and am determined to finish at least five projects in 2015.

  127. thank you for the chance to win :)
    im looking to get back into sewing

  128. Gorgeous fabric! I am so excited about going to QuiltCon!

  129. 2015 I just look forward to doing more quilting

  130. QuiltCon2015 is the highlight of 2015 for me - I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

  131. Yay I am a GFC follower :) Happy Giveaway Day!

  132. finishing my 24 grands quilts, just like 3 more

  133. I'm anxious to sew some amazing baby items for my new grandson who is due in May!

  134. My sisters & I get together at least once a year & we're thinking next year will be at the quilt show in Paducah. (We live in 4 different states). Thanks for the chance to win.

  135. I'm a follower with Bloglovin'. Thanks again.

  136. quilt retreat in january - always fun and i get to see my momm! :)

  137. Wonderful selection of fabrics. I'm looking forward to getting to grips with curves and doing some mq with text low volume prints...when I get the time!

  138. I am a new follower. Nancy A:

  139. I follow by email and always look forward to seeing what you have been doing

  140. I have several quilty resolutions for 2015, and one of them is to finally attempt machine applique!

  141. I promised my wife that I wouldn't buy ANY fabric until I finish three new quilts. Therefore, I will be working fast after the new year to get my fabric-hoarding card back :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  142. Hey Jess, in late Feb the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show is in my city for 4 days. It's where I get some spark to try new techniques (such as applique that I've not done yet) and of course spend way too much$$ on quilt fabric. But hey, they lie in wait til my rotary cuttery and the perfect pattern surface! Thank you for the hand picked/curated bundle. Yep, beauty of a quilt it will make.

  143. Jess I follow you on Bloglovin. Thank you for your generosity and always, your inspiration.

  144. I am looking forward to our Guild's quilt show! I am entering several quilts, and I am excited to share them with everyone who attends!

  145. Nothing special in 2015, just finish any of my UFOs, try FMQ and looking forward to join new BOMs and QALs.

  146. I look forward to completing abc baby quilt and my new grandson

  147. Following you on my Blogger Dashboard (which I check several times a day, so I won't miss you!)

  148. I follow you by email.

  149. I want to make a Christmas table topper. I have it cut out but alas, I fear that I will not finish it in time.

  150. Hi ! Thanks for the giveaway! I have been thinking about joining the local quilt guild.

  151. I am a new follower on Bloglovin'

  152. I hope to make a few mini quilts for my sewing room wall.

  153. Creating more quilts is what I am looking forward to. Thanks.

  154. 2015 is the year that I am going to Paducah. So looking forward to it.

  155. I plan on joining my local MQG in January!

  156. I follow on Bloglovin and Instagram.

  157. Hi there! What a great giveaway!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    I'm really hoping to start free motion quilting more :-)

  158. I am looking forward to several quilt shows!

  159. Just followed you on bloglovin'!

  160. I am moving in March, so I'm looking forward to joining a new Quilt Guild and making some new friends. Thanks fir the great giveaway.

  161. I look forward to doing some swaps and maybe, just maybe I will be able to get a new sewing machine!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  162. I follow you via email!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  163. I am looking forward to finishing a quilt top that I found in a rummage sale. I can't wait for it to finally get some use after being stashed away for decades.


Let's start a conversation! I love comments and I'd be happy to reply to all who have an email address accessible. Thanks for commenting!


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