Wednesday, September 14, 2016

6th Blogiversary Giveaway!

*This giveaway is now closed. Yvonne is the winner and she has been contacted! Thank you!!*

I can't believe it! I've been blogging at Quilty Habit for six years. SIX. Whaaaaaat.

 Most of my mini quilts from this year. Top left - Saturated Rainbow, bottom left - Starburst, middle - What (Aaron) Burr Said, top right - In The Wind, bottom right - Curvy Diamonds.

This blog is still my home base, and I hope it will be for a long time to come (even though I'm on Instagram and Facebook, too - it's different). I love tracking my makes, discussing WIPS, sharing educational articles, developing quilt-a-longs, and writing tutorials.  

Most of all, I love the community that has developed around this blog. I most enjoy emailing with readers. You all have the best advice and encouragement. Feel free to join the Quilty Habit Facebook group to get in on the last few weeks of the Star Light, Star Dark Quilt-A-Long. I'm working on some new challenges for the group, too. Thank you for teaching me so much about quilting and friendship over these past 6 years!

I'm offering a custom-made mini quilt to one Quilty Habit reader, as I have in previous years. You'll see some of my recent minis above. If you want more inspiration, you can see more of my mini quilts here. The one below, Sunshine, is an original quilt made for last year's blogiversary winner, Rina, based on her likes and my signature orange peels.

Details: The mini quilt can be any size up to 20". I'll send it by March 2017 (possibly sooner than later!). This giveaway is open internationally. You cannot win if you've already won a handmade blogiversary giveaway. The giveaway will close on Thursday, 9/22 at 7 am EST when I choose a winner by Random Number Generator. I will email the winner (so make sure you leave your email if it isn't linked to your account).

To enter 
  • Leave me a comment to tell me one way you follow (Bloglovin, Feedly, Google Plus, email, Wonky Press subscriber, Instagram, and the list goes on). This special giveaway is only for followers -  you can be a brand new follower too, of course!
  • For another chance, leave a second comment about what kind of mini quilt you would want (Improvisation? Curves? Quilt-as-you-go? A certain pattern? Quilter's [my] choice? Dense or not-dense quilting? Which colors?). If you enter, please give it some thought. :) I won't make an exact replica of something; I prefer to make something original for the winner.

You can answer any or all of the questions - I can't wait to read about it (also, if you win, I will double check to make sure of what you'd like). Please understand that I always respond to blog comments but I seldom do for giveaways; it becomes overwhelming. I'll try my best, though!

And guess what? The Wonky Press (the original free modern quilting newsletter!) turns 1 next month, and you'd better believe they'll be another giveaway for WP subscribers only. Just a heads up! :) P.S. If you subscribe, a new issue should be sitting in your inbox!

Finally made a little blog logo quilt this year!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, friends. You make the online world a wonderful place to be.


  1. I would love for you to make something out of ocean blues with a beach theme.

  2. Congratulations! Happy 6th Blogiversary! I follow you on BlogLovin, Pinterest, FB, IG (@usairdoll) and I just signed up for The Wonky Press.

    Such a super giveaway! Fingers crossed!


  3. Congrats Jess. I love reading your blog and have been a follower for quite a while now. I follow on Bloglovin and Instagram

  4. Definitely orange peel and improv style :-)

  5. Congratulations on 6 years of blogging! I follow you via email ( and after all this time you feel like more than a "blogger" to me. (I hope that doesn't sound weird.) I was telling my niece about your sister Marissa--her help with the quilt pictures, her heading off to college, and just the joy you two share in being together, despite the differences in your ages. My niece and I have a similar closeness, and I expressed to her how much happiness you were able to express simply by posting the pictures of the two of you together, and it occurred to me how glad I am that you share that with all of us, so openly. So, I thank you, and Marissa, too. Hugs to you both.

  6. Gosh. Hard to choose. Because it's you, I'd hope for some orange peels. And possibly my motto: Do What Matters Most...but not necessarily. I'm not really a "rainbow" person, but I adore Anna Maria Horner, so that might be a starting place. If it turns out I'm the lucky, lucky winner can we consult? I'd love to talk with you about what ideas are dancing in your head at the moment, or what phrases I might want to see quilted in your handwriting.

  7. Oh.. I'd love to win this ;-D
    I'll just tell you a few things about me and some things like and then leave the rest up to you. I worked for the airlines for over 25 years, I love star blocks in quilting, Squirls..adore them, love bright colors, grew up on a farm in Alaska, enjoy applique, embroidery and EPP.

    Fingers crossed ;-D


  8. Wow, congratulations on the amazing milestone, Jess! 6 years is an awesome accomplishment for your blog. I stalk (errr, follow) you everywhere. :)

  9. Bloglovin follower: Nicole Sender; new subscriber.

  10. Happy Blogiversary! I love flowers and bright colors!

  11. I love your quilts! Happy Blogiversary! I follow you by email!

  12. Congratulations on your anniversary. I follow you through email and look forward to every post. You are one busy (and inspiring) lazy.

  13. Oh, to decide what kind of mini quilt I'd like to have....something with stars and your wonderful quilting.

  14. Your newsletter link is not working right now, fyi. I follow the newsletter and insta. :)

  15. And if I were to be lucky enough to win, I like rainbow, super scrappy, turquoise, getting back into really appreciating purple. Thanks for the chance!

  16. I'd be happy to win any of your mini-quilts!

  17. I'm now following you on Facebook, Pinterest, & Instagram.

  18. I'm creating a stack of quilts to put on a wall going up a staircase so this would be wonderful. Anything bright would be grand. I like circular.

  19. I am a happy Bloglovin' follower. x

  20. My favourite colours are aqua with anything but especially red. I am rubbish at quilting and usually only do straight lines myself so would love to have something with curvy quilting. I do a lot of EPP and also love cathedral windows (but I have never been brave enough to try it), great granny squared and the economy block (because you can show off your fabrics). Happy blogaversary. x

  21. I would be lucky to win any of your mini quilts!

  22. I follow you on FB, IG, newsletter and Bloglovin!

  23. Congratulations on 6 years!! I follow you via Feedly, on IG, and via the Wonky Press.

  24. I would love a mini with your awesome free motion writing, and ideally the writing would be Hamilton lyrics. And it would have some purple!

  25. I follow on feedly. I missed my 6 year blogiversary!

  26. I'd definitely leave it up ro you, i love your style!

  27. I'd life to win a mini made by you - in your style perhaps with something I don't do much of (improv, curves, dense quilting). I loves saturated colours (but not primary) and most of all surprises!

  28. Congrats on your 6th year blogiversary! I follow via Bloglovin, IG and FB!

  29. I love your wonky cross quilts!

  30. congratulations on your anniversary. I follow you on FB and subscribe to The Wonky Press.

  31. I would like an improvised quilt, possibly with curves (I leave that up to you) in rainbow colours. The style of quilting will be whatever you think best matches the patchwork.

  32. Congrats on your blogiversary! I follow via bloglovin.

  33. If I were lucky enough to win, I would love one of your petal-styled designs maybe with some blue?

  34. 6 years of blogging is certainly worth celebrating! How sweet of you to share with one lucky follower! I am a Bloglovin' follower and also subscribe to your newsletter, Jessica.

  35. I think it would be cool to have a mini- quilt made by you with my moniker "Duchick" on it. It would be primarily purples with some pink. I like improv designs and not so choosy about quilting. I like surprises too!

  36. Happy Blog Birthday! I follow you with Feedly and I also get your newsletter.

  37. I subscribe by email and enjoy your blogs immensely. HB!

  38. I love improv, the color orange, and words. Also very fond of dogs :-)

  39. Congratulations!!! this is so exciting. I follow you via email, wonky press, and Instagram.

  40. I'd love one of your signature orange peel designs in your favorite color of purple. It would always be a reminder of how you have inspired me to FMQ on my domestic machine :).

  41. Following on Facebook and get the the newsletters

  42. I would love lots is color and curves (my nemesis) maybe orange peels and as much as I would like to keep it I would donate it to a local shelter

  43. aqua and yellow, densely quilted and a sunrise/sunset theme. thanks for the chance to win.

  44. Congratulations on 6 years, that's so neat :) I follow on Instagram.

  45. I love your mini quilts, so I think I would leave it to you to pick something. I, too, am a purple lover!

  46. Congratulations!! I get The Wonky Press :)

  47. I think I'd like something geometric with dusty blues, greens, and greys to go with a painting hanging in my dining room.

  48. Love improv and Doctor Who. Don't know if you'd be open to a Tardis.

  49. Happy Blogavversary. I follow you on bloglovin

  50. congratulations. what a wonderful give a way. thanks for a chance. I love lots of bright colors, birds, motion, fun. If I win it will be my first mini for the wall in my soon to be sewing room. My rooms dominant colors will be Pink and White. With lots of other colors thrown in.

  51. What a treat to pick or suggest the handcrafted prize. I think your curves done with some of your favorite scraps. Yes, I know it will have purple but what other scraps will you add? Continued success.

  52. If I were to win I would love a quilt with tortoises (or turtles) on it! We have 3 hatchling tortoises and are looking to art up their space!!

  53. I follow Quilty Habit via my Blogger Reader.

  54. Oooo. Quilter's choice. But I do love bright, cheery colors and something that stands out.

  55. Jess, i follow via email/newsletter and Bloglovin. Happy Happy Sixth! You're fabulous .


  56. I love desert themes, and cacti such as Saguaro,Cholla, Barrel, pricky pear. The sandy desert portion could be densely quilted . YOur'e wonderful to offer a mini and I too love your signature orange peels. Thank you for your generous offer.


  57. Congratulations!I lookk forward to read and see more! I am a follower via bloglovin and via email!

  58. Happy 6th Blogiversary!! Love all you share with all of us...and thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way too! :D

    1. was so intent on wishing you Blessings..forgot to tell how I follow you!! I follow thru Email, Bloglovin & Pinterest too. :)

  59. I loooove Orange Peels too!! Been cutting some from scraps!! :) I would be so honored to have something you have made! What a Treasure! I like simple things...casual & fun! Love colors..fave's are blues & shades of water & sky, and trees & nature. Would be delighted with whatever you would decide! Thank you for the chance to win.. :)

  60. Oh,wow, perhaps a sunflower theme and it can be densly quilted, but doesn't have to! Thanks for doing tis, that is quite fun and i hope, it will be much fun for you too!

  61. Oooo fun! I follow with Facebook and Blogger.

  62. I would wish for something pink! And I love dogs. :)

  63. Congratulations! I follow you by email.

  64. If I won (pick me, pick me!) I would want a rainbow quilt. Rainbows make me happy! :-)

  65. Happy anniversary! I follow you via email! Thanks for the great giveaway! vickise at gmail dot com

  66. Happy Anniversary! I've loved following you and watching your quilting develop. You're an inspiration. I follow you via email and Instagram.

  67. And if I were lucky enough to win, I'd want purple, lots of purple, and dense quilting.

  68. I love purple, aqua/teal, tula pink, Dr. Who, (oh, that just gave me an idea!) Disney, Muppets, I had better stop now. Lol.

  69. Congrats on six years! I follow via email.

  70. I would think that mini quilts are a great way to try a new technique.

  71. I follow via email, facebook, and instagram!

  72. If I were to win, I'd like either a quilters choice (because I love all of your stuff) or something like the What Aaron Said quilt.

  73. I love rainbow colors and low volume, curves would be fun or an FPP pattern, dense quilting is really pretty, not big on scrappy. it would be so fun to win.

  74. I follow you on Instagram as your logo quilt!

  75. ooo if i could have anything - it would be a super flowery modern one!!!

  76. I follow you by email, Wonky Press and Instagram (cathyloh2o). Love all your work!

  77. I love rainbow colors, but especially blue/teal and orange. I would leave the design up to you. I always like what you do!

  78. I would pick Quilters choice. Medium density maybe? and autumn colors. I am in FL and never get to see Autumn, lolol. Thank you!

  79. Happy Anniversary! I follow via email, Bloglovin and Facebook.

  80. IF I am the luckyt winner I would choose something in solids inspired by the graphics in Tangled. Did you make a Tangled quilt for your sister? I admired it, but didn't really get it until I watched Tangled with my granddaughters last month! Or am I imagining this?

  81. Happy blogiversary Jess. I follow you on feedly and email. But I would follow you anywhere! 😜

  82. I would love anything you make as long as it had purple and orange peels, then I would know for sure it was YOU!

  83. I follow you on Instagram and the blog via email. I am also a fan of the Wonky Press and enjoy getting my newsletter every month.

  84. If I am the lucky winner I think I would let you choose what you want to do for the mini quilt. I adore your quilts so I am sure I'd love whatever you chose to make for me!

  85. I follow you via email...what a unique giveaway!

  86. If I were the winner I would prefer a quilters choice....whatever makes you happy! But, I will say that I love reds and pinks hint hint

  87. Happy Blogaversarry! I follow you via Bloglovin and email.

  88. congratulations! I get the Wonky Press, and follow you in my wordpress reader too.

  89. I would love a mini quilt with fantastic free motion quilting and a swedish modern feel design.

  90. I follow via bloglovin.

    t_ktl at yahoo dot com

  91. All the colors!!! All crazy.....

  92. I would like something in purples and inspirational. I am a currently a cancer survivor.

  93. I follow via bloglovin, instagram and email

  94. This is awesome of you!!!! I follow you via Bloglovin and IG!!

  95. If I were the lucky winner I'd let you create something amazing because I love surprises... To give and receive😉

  96. Congratulations! I love reading your blog (that I follow by email), see your pictures (via IG) and being inspired by the Wonky Press (by email). You really have a signature style and when someone else was showing on of your quilts (I dont remember who!) it immediately struck me as 'quilty habit'. That is wonderful! Thank you and here to more years to come :).
    cottonpaperflowers at gmail dot com

  97. Oh and I would love to have one of your special pieces :). I am on a Carolyn Friedlander kick lately, but I also love AMH and solids. There is blue in every quilt I make (funny how that works, right?!) but the combinations orange/blue and lime (or mustard)/blue are my current favorites. In my perfect home, I love minimalism and scandinavian design (except for the book/craft cases: not so minimal ;)...). I adore your FMQ skills so would be delighted to give you a free hand to create whatever you feel like creating.
    cottonpaperflowers at gmail dot com

  98. I follow you on Bloglovin, through the Wonky Press, and on IG.

  99. How delightful to specify a mini made just for me. Since I took your class here in Baltimore, how about a mini Waterfall quilt. Color of your choice!

  100. I follow you on Instagram. This is so cool! I love color and anything that can serve as creative inspiration.

  101. Happy Anniversary!!! I follow you on Instagram - you're one of my very favorite inspirations! 😍😍😍 Please keep up the good (amazing) work for another 6 or 60 years! 😉😍

  102. I would be so happy and amazed to have a quilter's choice mini of yours! Let the creativity flow. 😁😍👍

  103. I love very colorful scrappy quilts with lots of quilting. I would be thrilled to have you
    make one for me.

  104. I love a good improvisational quilt, random with no pattern to it

  105. I follow on Bloglovin and Instagram

  106. I love rainbow and/or low volume quilts with heavy quilting

  107. I follow with instagram and bloglov

  108. I follow from IG (karie _twokwikquilters) and I would love to win a mini of your choice.... I have a reputation for being a rainbow girl but really I love any color progression even if it is just a section of the color wheel and I love one word quilts (my word for the year is "tenacity")

  109. i follow you on instagram (and probably elsewhere too)! what a fun giveaway.

  110. as far as a mini quilt goes? i love aqua/teal/blue/grey/orange/pink; improv; doctor who; words - so have fun with it. :D

  111. I follow you on Instagram and I just signed up for Wonky Press.

  112. You inspire! I follow you on Instagram and knew I'd follow you forever after that Hamilton quote quilt!

  113. I follow your blog via Bloglovin and have enjoyed seeing your growth and creativity along the way. I also receive your newsletter.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  114. I like to be surprised and allow makers & creators the room to create at their best. If I am the winner of one of your original creations, I will say that I love saturated colors (think Tula Pink, AMH) and prints. I know that I would love whatever you create.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  115. If I was a lucky winner my favorite color is red, followed by black, then purple. I like jewel tones also. I love curves and swirls. I like ecohing also. I like to think all quilts are quilter's choice with inspiration from the intended owner. This might sound a tad bit strange, but I would love to have a mini with a single item, example a flower (but any item that would not normally be considered beautiful), if a flower maybe it has lost all its pedals except one. Then under it two lines of writing. First 'I am beautiful'. Next line 'I am enough'. With whatever other embellishments you see fit. Thanks for a chance to enter.

  116. I follow you on Instagram and I just signed up for Wonky Press.

  117. I follow on The Old Reader and Instagram! @jabloxham

  118. When I win (no if!!),Hamilton!!!!!!!

  119. Following on Wonky Press and email. Happy blogaversary. Your work is always inspiring.

  120. Your minis are delightful! Chef's choice if I happen to be selected.

  121. I follow via both wonky press newsletter and Instagram.

  122. If I win I would go with something of your choice.

  123. I subscribe thru Bloglovin. kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  124. I'd love to see a mini using my blog name Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats in happy colors but no fish...Tu-Na is not about a fish. kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com

  125. I follow on Instagram! I love to see all the picks!

  126. What kind of mini? Something with run / rainbow like colours!!

    Lmc - I am Leslie Carty!

  127. I would like to have any miniquilt of your choice.

  128. Mary
    I follow you by email and I'm a subscriber to the Wonky Press.

  129. I would like a improv geometric quilt using shades of purple and green.

  130. I follow your blog w/ bloglovn! I love your work! Happy Blogaversary!

  131. I love stars and my favorite color is navy w/ any other bright color! I love your quilting - it is so nice!

  132. I follow your blog through email--it is one of my favorites!

  133. If I'm the lucky winner, I'd love a mini quilt in the design of your choice!

  134. Congrats on the bloggiversary! It's great to see bloggers hanging in there these days. I love your Wonky Press which always manages to give me just the right kind of interesting reads and eye candy. I've also got your updates coming to email (didn't realise I could do that til now) and I link back to your page. I hope the future is bright for you and your blog.

  135. This sote good job friends, i hope success for you and good luck ! Its really a good article. Best Dehumidifiers

  136. I follow via IG and Wonky Press! Congrats on your anniversary!!

  137. I would adore some sort of spiral quilting. You've really made me love the color purple so I think I'd like a mini with some purple. Saturated colors. Something happy. Not toooo busy but lots of fun. I hope I win. Fingers quadruple crossed.

  138. I follow via email update. LOVE I get a reminder in my inbox when you post to the blog! Thanks for the chance to win a custom made mini quilt. (Pick me! Pick me!!)

  139. I would love to see an outdoor mini quilt with an animal family.

  140. I follow on blogovin and by email.

  141. I would be so pleased to win. I love color and pink is my favorite of all the colors. I follow you on Facebook.

  142. I follow you through email and wonky press.

  143. If I won, I would want something densely quilted. And a limited color palette--something bright and cheerful. Or true blue with maybe yellow. Lol.

  144. Congrats on six years! I follow you here and on Instagram.

  145. If I won I'd love something with saturated colors and NOT straight line quilting (because that is all I do so far!) So, pretty much, just a mini that is your style!

  146. Congratulations! I follow you on Instagram!

  147. If I win, I'd love red and aqua. I lean towards more modern designs and dense quilting. But really, I'd be so giddy that I'd take anything of your choice!

  148. I follow you in all the places. Mostly Instagram, Bloglovin, and Facebook

  149. I follow you on Instagram @liashandmades

  150. I happen to love orange peels, bright rainbow colours and low volume, I'd leave anything else up to you ;)

  151. I would probably ask for your choice, I'm so new to this that I'm not sure what to ask for and the surprise would be so fun. I would just love to have something you made hanging in my sewing room for inspiration!

  152. I follow your blog on bloglovin and follow you on ig. Congrats on the bloggiversary

  153. I would love an improvement, but I would be even happier with your choice.

  154. I'm an insta follower. Funny enough I love the colors of this pillow, just not together:) Yellows and mustards or aquas and teals. Either with or without neutrals. Id say improv or quilters choice! Except 9 patches, I'm prejudiced against 9 patches.

  155. I follow your blog and on IG. If I was lucky enough to win one of your minis, I'd love to see what you come up with for me. Everything you make is amazing!!

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.



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