Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blog Hop Giveaway!

The Quilting Gallery has organized another awesome giveaway blog hop (thanks Michele!) and us humble bloggers simply had to sign up! My next giveaway (2nd blogaversary!) is within the next month (and I promise it will be fabric, hehe) but today I'm giving away one of my new fabric lanyards.

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

This beautiful fabric is "Full Moon Polka Dot in Lime" from Amy Butler's Lotus collection. I love fabric and I think the lanyard would be perfect in either a professional or casual setting. Use it for your ID or keys (I have one for my keys and that's the only way I don't lose them!)

If you would like to win this lanyard, please just leave one comment stating your favorite all-time book. Maybe you have a few (I do): Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and I have to say I think I just read another one of my absolute favorites for the first time: Cloud Atlas, by David Mitchell. It's going to be a movie in October; I cannot recommend this book enough to you! Anyway, I'm looking for some new reads, so tell me your favorite! You do not have to be a follower, but if you like what you see, please feel free!

ANYWAY, details: Winner will be drawn on September 3rd at 12 noon. I will ship internationally, so you can enter this giveaway from anywhere! If you do not have an email address attached to your account, or are entering anonymously, please include an email address in your comment. I would hate to pick someone who I can't get in touch with!

**I did a huge shop update today and added many pretty key fobs and lanyards, so go check it out! Use this code for 20% off your purchase (early Christmas gifts? back to school?): BLOGHOP9

OH and go visit the other blogs here :) There are bound to be some awesome giveaways - happy clicking!


  1. The Distant Hours by Kate Morton is my most recent favourite book. Of all time - probably A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens!

  2. Easy - fav book of ALL TIME - Shell Seekers by Rosamund Pilcher. Lovely lanyard :)

  3. I love the Sookie Stachouse series by Charlaine Harris.

  4. My favorite book: Grapes of Wrath (a classic and a must-read)

  5. Favorite book: Anything by Laurell K Hamilton, The Harry Potters are good, and the latest favorite is "a discovery of witches". There are only 2 in the series so far, but they are good!

  6. My all time favorite book is Pride and Prejudice. I love all of Jane Austen's works, but P & P is such a sweet love story about Elizabeth and Darcy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. My favourite book is The Timetravellers wife!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  8. I love the Lee Child series about Jack Reacher! Or did, before they picked they picked a really short guy to play a 6'4" character...

  9. My favorite is A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers... thanks!

  10. favourite book of all time... wow, that is a hard question... The Druid's Tune by O.R. Melling :)

  11. My favorite all time book is Jane Eyre!

  12. I am a librarian and love so many books, it is really, really hard for me to choose. ;) But two that I've reread recently are the Riddle-Master Trilogy by Patricia McKillip and The Earth Sea Trilogy by Ursula K. LeGuin. I really like Amy Butler's fabrics, too.

  13. One Hundred Years of Solitude.

  14. I like the wheel of time series by Robert jorden

  15. I wouldn't mind having a new lanyard! My favorite book is any of the Harry Potter books. I know...juvenile, but I'm a kid at heart and they just make me feel so happy and full of wonder again.

  16. Every quilt tells a story by Helen Kelley. Thank you for the chance

  17. We Need to Talk about Kevin - the best book I have read. A new funky lanyard is on my birthday list!!! So I just had to enter this giveaway (I am fed up of wearing the standard issued one at work) x

  18. Outlander (and the following books in the series) by Diana Gabaldon, anything by Stephanie Laurens or Julia Quinn, Rhett Butler's People by Donald McCaig..

  19. Jean M Auel - love all her books. Thanks for the giveaway.

  20. gone with the wind is my fave thanks

  21. My forever favorite book and movie is "Gone With the Wind".

  22. I used to read all the time then I got away from it but with all the hype about "Fifty Shades of Grey" I just had to buy that and I'm waiting for cool weather to sit under my quilt and read. Thanks for the give away, if I won it I would use it to hold my small scissors to keep them handy.

  23. What fun. Lanyards are great. I have one for my keys. You are right you don't loose them too easily.

  24. I Love the book "The Red Tent" don't remember who wrote it though....

  25. Fave book "Anne of Green Gables"!!!

    Thanks for chance to win! Love GREEN! lol :)

  26. My favorite book is actually a series of books, The wizard of OZ! Congratulations on your up coming marriage.

  27. One of my favorite books, Isaiah.

    sowingstitches [at] yahoo [dot] com

  28. Gone With The Wind is my all time favourite book!

  29. Christy by Catherine Marshall is on of my all time favorite books!

    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  30. Thanks for the giveaway. I love the lanyard. It would be so helpful to keep me from losing my keys at work! Favorite book....I have to go with the classic, Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. I'm a new follower, too. Just found you through the hop. Looking forward to your posts.

  31. I love the lanyard, thanks for the lovely giveaway. My favourite book is Cloudstreet by Tim Winton.

  32. You have some of my favorite books already on your list. :) I am currently re-reading Dracula by Bram Stoker. I read it a long time ago in school, but don't remember reading the end, hence the re-read. The Count of Monte Cristo was also a great story to read.

  33. loved charlottes web

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  34. Favorite book - To Kill a MockingBird.

  35. Favorite book - Lamb, by Christopher Moore

  36. Favorite book is The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

  37. One of my all time favourite books is Into Thin Air by John Krakauer. It's about a disastrous climb on Mount Everest. Very interesting read.

  38. Sweet giveaway! My favorite book is The Beacon at Alexandria by Gillian Bradshaw.

  39. I love All Creatures Great and Small (and the others that came after) by James Herriot! I can re-read them all the time.

  40. Oh Jess you have to pick me as the winner I love those DOTS LOL. I too am in the Blog Hop Party The Learning Curve Visit and enter my giveaway.
    eck out my Bowls With Borders table runner and you will see why I love the lanyard. :) Jeanne

  41. Love Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series. I was heartbroken when he pased away at such a young age. Great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to all the particpants

  42. Pretty lanyard! My favorite book... The Gospel of John, followed by Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, and Anne of Green Gables. Wow, I sound like such a girly girl. ;)

    Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

  43. Nice! I'd have to say the King James Bible is my absolute favorite, but after that, Little Britches - the whole series - by Ralph Moody

  44. This goes back to my childhood I loved all the Laura wilder books. Little House on the Prarie, Little House in the Big Woods, etc Read them all!

  45. I haven't done any reading in a while but I always enjoyed the George McDonald books. THey take place in Scotland...gave me a hankering to visit that country!

  46. I always go nback to "The Wind In The Willows"

  47. I'm not reading anything now. No time. Only sewing :) I'm in New Jersey too :)

  48. My favourite all time book is Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand. Great read, and great book for draping over your leg & doing leg lifts with as well! Thanks for the chance to win.

  49. I can't pick just one, I am a huge fan of Jennifer Chaverini and her Elm Creek Series. Cute lanyard, thanks for the chance to win.

  50. Ok, favorite book...all the Harry Potter, of course, the Anne of Green Gables series, everything by Louisa May Alcott, Jane Eyre, Emma, hmmm...ok, I give up. There's just no way I can pick one! That's like asking me who my best friend is!

  51. My favorite all time book. Morning Glory by LaVeryl Spencer.

  52. The Stand by Stephen King is one of my all time favorites, great giveaway!

  53. Too hard. One of my recents that I've liked was The Help

  54. I have so many favorites but I have to say Lord of the Rings is right up there on top and I have read them several times.

  55. Richard Bach's one

    Collected works of Shakespeare, (really)

  56. Favourite book that I read a long time ago was Pretense, by Lori Wick. Thanks for the giveaway.

  57. A fun read is Alan Bradleys series - Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. good mystery series. thank you!

  58. Centennial by John Jakes - have read it so many times and never tire!! thanks for the opportunity


Let's start a conversation! I love comments and I'd be happy to reply to all who have an email address accessible. Thanks for commenting!


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